
Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I found something peculiar today. I'm staying in a hotel in Vancouver, and while I was surveying the town, I saw something odd.

I was an abandoned building. I could feel the presence of something inhuman inside of it. It wasn't easy getting in, because there's a rather large number of police driving around searching for a madman or something.

I managed to fade inside safely and look around. There wasn't much worth mentioning, except for one thing. One the basement floor, there was a wall that sent a chill down my spine whenever I got near it. I placed a hand on the wall. It felt normal, but I still had suspicions about it.

I eventually realized what it was. There wasn't actually a wall there. Some kind of outside force was distorting my senses to make me perceive a wall being there. It was just like O'Zalia's illusions. And I figured that if I could see through his illusions, I could see through this one too.

I focused on the wall, and it seemed to melt out of existence. It was concealing a dark passageway, like something out of a vampire movie. And I'm referring to Dracula-type vampire movies, not that Twilight crap.

I didn't go it. I'm will soon, though.

Whoever put that illusion there was expecting me. That person knew I could see through illusions, and set one up so that only I would be able to find that place. He wants me, and nobody else, to go in there.

First I have an awesome looking movie to watch, then I'll make preparations to check this place out.

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